
Christine is director of communications at the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), an independent, nonprofit grant-making foundation dedicated to advancing democratic institutions and human rights around the world. Each year, NED makes over 2,000 grants in more than 100 countries to support non-governmental groups that work to strengthen democratic institutions and political processes; trade unions; free markets; and business associations, in addition to supporting a vibrant civil society that advances human rights, an independent media, and the rule of law.

As a consultant, Christine works on sustainable tourism development projects that focus on locally based small- and medium-sized businesses and enterprises. She provided expertise on digital content strategy for IntoAlbania, a project funded by USAID and the Embassy of Sweden in Albania to increase economic growth; assisted with a report of media strategy and marketing recommendations for a USAID-led project of capacity building in Moldova; and helped tour operators from Europe and Asia launch a new travel publication.